Displaying Art, Part 1: Introduction
face it, we’ve all been there, searching through galleries, exhibitions and
online, to finally find the work of art that will complete our home or office
aesthetic. Then it hits us, “how do I display this beautiful piece of art?” In
this blog, we cover quick tips and tricks on how to display artwork correctly.
This includes hanging techniques, lighting, and framing options.
below to learn about the best ways to present pieces of art.
When choosing where to place your new artwork in your home, be
sure to avoid hanging it around windows and doors that let in natural light.
Putting art pieces in direct sunlight exposes it to UV and infrared light. This
causes it to fade over time and lose color. For this reason, it’s best to have
pieces positioned away from any natural light that could damage them.
One of the most common mistakes people make when hanging artwork
is placing it too high on the wall. Art should hang at eye level. This doesn’t
mean the hook or top of the frame should be at eye level, but the center of the
piece. A helpful tidbit is to try to aim for the middle of the artwork to hang
at five feet seven inches. This mark serves as the average for human eye-height
and is regarded as an industry-standard in galleries and museums. By using this
technique, you create a sense of balance within your home since all of your
artwork will be at a shared eye line.
The only exception to this approach is if your home has low
ceilings. In this case, it’s best to hang your art about three-fourths of the
way up from the floor.
Don’t forget about framing your piece while you’re figuring out
where to hang it. The framing of the work is almost as essential as the artwork
itself. It can bring style and charm to the room just as much as the art! It’s
especially important to stick with a theme when it comes to framing multiple
pieces in a space. This can be intricate vintage frames or simple monochromatic
ones. Whatever frame type you choose to use, try to have all of the artwork
framed with that same style.
When lighting your art piece, LEDs are the best option for
illuminating the work properly. In terms of the bulb’s temperature, we suggest
4000K bulbs. Other temps can cause
the art to look discolored. The 4000K bulbs are best because they allow for the
whites in the artwork to stay white - which is the tried and true test for
lighting artwork and ensuring
the painting stays true to color when on display.
hope these techniques have given you inspiration for displaying your art.
Whether you’re hanging a piece in your living room, kitchen or even in the
office, we want it to speak to you every time you or your guests pass by it.
Stay tuned, more in depth blogs on displaying art will be released
soon! Topics include: lighting temperature, angles of lighting, picture hanging
tips, using wall paint to enhance art, and much more.
you need personalized help with displaying your art or are in need of a new
piece to display, give us a call (228-215-1343)! We are happy to meet with you
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